Tag Archive for: IFTTT

And that’s a wrap! #coltelloinfesta2019 was a blast but we’re all cooked…Knives, food, beer, gelato and espresso can only take you so far! At some point you just have to throw in the towel. Thank you to everyone who took the time to talk with us over the weekend and make us feel at home. #Coltellainfesta2020 here we come! 😆 #BRNLY #Knives #OnTheRoad #EatSleepKnife #Maniago #Italy #Grateful+

And that’s a wrap! #coltelloinfesta2019 was a blast but we’re all cooked…Knives, food, beer, gelato and espresso can only take you so far! At some point you just have to throw in the towel. Thank you to everyone who took the time to talk with us over the weekend and make us feel at home. #Coltellainfesta2020 here we come! 😆 #BRNLY #Knives #OnTheRoad #EatSleepKnife #Maniago #Italy #Grateful

Knives and this. Lots of this. This is what makes knives fun on a larger scale. From making or designing to collecting or selling. Having a shared interest and a reason to travel is a pretty great way to make friends. I spent the day walking the festival and touring the museum before my talk (for which I was thoroughly unprepared but very much enjoyed) #BRNLY #Knives #KnifeLife #Maniago #Italy #Grateful+

Knives and this. Lots of this. This is what makes knives fun on a larger scale. From making or designing to collecting or selling. Having a shared interest and a reason to travel is a pretty great way to make friends. I spent the day walking the festival and touring the museum before my talk (for which I was thoroughly unprepared but very much enjoyed) #BRNLY #Knives #KnifeLife #Maniago #Italy #Grateful

Very excited about this… Harumi Hirayama has long been one of my favorite makers and I had not seen this book until recently. It’s put together really well and gives a nice amount of insight into the timeline of Harumis work as well as some nice process shots and beautiful detail shots of finished pieces. Happy to be able to add this to the collection. #AlwaysMoreToLearn #Knifemaking #respect #StyleOfNoStyle+

Very excited about this… Harumi Hirayama has long been one of my favorite makers and I had not seen this book until recently. It’s put together really well and gives a nice amount of insight into the timeline of Harumis work as well as some nice process shots and beautiful detail shots of finished pieces. Happy to be able to add this to the collection. #AlwaysMoreToLearn #Knifemaking #respect #StyleOfNoStyle

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