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Working through the details. Should be on to final finishes and sheaths tomorrow. #BurnleyKnives #BRNLY #Custom #MetalWork #Wraith #D2
March 13, 2019
March 13, 2019
via Instagram
Over the years I’ve come to accept that in order to be good at things I’m interested in I generally have to be bad at them first. . . I spent about 5 hours yesterday trying to figure out how to convert some Rhino files from .dxf to .svg during that process I also started trying to figure out how to use Adobe Illustrator I left the shop completely frustrated with nothing to show for my time. . . This morning I came back in and a few things started to click. All I really have to show for it is a piece of wood with some holes and a little engraved logo. But to me it signifies a solid amount of work and a huge success in terms of understanding. . . . The difference between going from not having done a thing and the first time you experience a limited success is huge, from there it’s just practice. I can officially add laser cutting and designing in illustrator to a long list of things I’m bad at. Plus, now I have organized pens. 👊🏻 #BRNLY #NeverStopLearning #MakeThingsAllTheWays with #AllTheTools #ItsGoodToBeBad
Two of my favorite handle materials. Natural and Olive Drab Canvas Micarta. Simple, functional and just keep getting better with age. Looking forward to getting this batch of Wraiths wrapped up tomorrow (ish) #BRNLY #Knives #Custom #FixedBlades #OldSchool
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