Over the years I’ve come to accept that in order to be good at things I’m interested in I generally have to be bad at them first. . . I spent about 5 hours yesterday trying to figure out how to convert some Rhino files from .dxf to .svg during that process I also started trying to figure out how to use Adobe Illustrator I left the shop completely frustrated with nothing to show for my time. . . This morning I came back in and a few things started to click. All I really have to show for it is a piece of wood with some holes and a little engraved logo. But to me it signifies a solid amount of work and a huge success in terms of understanding. . . . The difference between going from not having done a thing and the first time you experience a limited success is huge, from there it’s just practice. I can officially add laser cutting and designing in illustrator to a long list of things I’m bad at. Plus, now I have organized pens. 👊🏻 #BRNLY #NeverStopLearning #MakeThingsAllTheWays with #AllTheTools #ItsGoodToBeBad


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