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Last day to get in on the Kappa #Kickstarter From my buddy Jason @prometheuslights Such a simple elegant design. #BRNLY #BrandsWeLove #EveryDayCarry
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
via Instagram
Day 287. Trying and failing and trying again. Figured it was time to start adding these back on my to do list. #BRNLY365 #BurnleyKnives #Teaisforme
Blast from the past! This was a really fun project with someone who I'm proud to call a friend and mentor. Pat had a hand in two of the most important parts of my life. He pushed me to get started in #Cnc and introduced me to my amazing wife @madsterful He's also an insanely talented craftsmen, so there's that too. If you're not following him you should be. #Repost @patpruittmetalsmith ・・・ @burnleyknives and @patpruittmetalsmith collaboration circa 2011...#djinn #onlytwomade #copper #quasitropiccarbonfiber #titanium #cpm154 #fixedblade #punkrockstars #usnstagram #hellsyeah
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