I’ve always tried to make each step of building a knife as accurate and consistent as I possibly can. e.g when I rough in a blade with a 60 grit belt I treat it like thats where I’m stopping. I make sure my plunge lines match up, my grind heights and termination match and the finish is as clean as can be for that that belt. . . . Over a complete build sometimes it seems like it takes longer but even if it does, it works better for me and I spend less time trying to correct errors which is my least favorite thing to do. Working carefully is really just working with care. . . . This Kwaiken is in the pre-finish stage. All of the shaping is done, it’s been test tumbled and assembled and is now ready for final finishes. Looking at this one I was tempted to just leave it as is, unfinished and put an edge on it. That feels pretty good 😊 #GoalAchieved #Unfinish #BurnleyKnives #Custom #Framelock #StillGonnaFinishItTho
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