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Day 304. Wednesday morning sketch. Slipity-do-da-slipity-day. #BurnleyKnives -#BRNLY365
August 2, 2017
August 2, 2017
via Instagram
Since my shop is shut down and the new design projects I'm working aren't aren't ready for the light of day I figured I'd hit the archives, aka my old photobucket account for a little content to intersperse with my moving and baby photos. Evolution Max built for a friend maybe 10 years ago. Always liked this model. #BurnleyKnives #Custom #FixedBlade #BRNLY
Next up from the archives. I designed and built this knife (circa 2006) for a good friend and long time instructor Lee Sprague (rip) #Kenpo when I was 12 kickboxing through my teens and combatives in my 20's. I owe a lot to him. He liked small easy to carry knives with wide blades. This is also the origin of my #Pelican folder. #BRNLY #Knives #Custom
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